Finance Council Chairperson Position Description
Reports to: Pastor.
Ministry Purpose / Objective:
The Parish Finance Council is envisioned as a body of parishioners known for their spiritual maturity and love of Christ and endowed with either special competence in financial matters or prudent judgment. They offer their time and talent as a Christian service to assist the Pastor in the development and management of the parish financial resources so that the parish may effectively pursue the spreading of Christ’s Gospel and love.
General Responsibilities of All Council and Commission Chairs & Co-Chairs:
- Discerns God’s message in one’s own life regarding stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure.
- Is familiar with the ministries under their Council or Commission
- Is familiar with ministry guidelines and General Parish Procedures, especially events scheduling and facility usage.
- Call for and Conducts Council or Commission meetings
- Ensures minutes are taken by the Council or Commission secretary at all meetings, that they are approved and made available to all Council or Commission members.
- Ensures the maintenance of updated Council or Commission members’ records including phone numbers and email addresses.
- Ensures that ministries under their Council or Commission maintain updated members records including phone numbers and email addresses.
- Maintains accurate records to provide Council or Commission specific inputs and successes for reports to the parish by the Pastor or Stewardship Committee
- Requests and reviews yearly, Goals and Objectives for all ministries under the Council or Commission.
- Encourages the leaders of the ministries under their care to write and submit bulletin articles especially after special events, giving a good account of number of participants, items collected and used, number of volunteers, what was achieved, etc.
- Sends written thank you to Council members at the end of their term.
- Keeps the leadership (especially Pastor and Stewardship Committee) advised of needs, issues, and positive experiences so they can be incorporated into the planning process.
- Presents Council or Commission in a positive light at all times.
Responsibilities of Parish Finance Chairperson:
- Prepares meeting agendas and schedule
- Become familiar with the “Guidelines for Parish Finance Councils.”
- Study prepared financial materials as presented by the Bookkeeper and Pastor.
- Have a basic understanding of the workings of the parish financial systems.
- Question financial reports to obtain a full understanding of parish position.
- Ensure that the parish operates within its financial resources.
- Provides input to Pastor on financial matters.
- Communicate effectively with parishioners when questioned about finances.
- The Chairperson of the Council or a representative is an ex officio member of the Parish Pastoral Council
Special Activities:
- Attend and participate in major parish fund raising events
- Help coordinate Annual Cardinal’s Stewardship Appeal
Meetings (when held, frequency, etc.):
Parish Finance Council (PFC) meetings: Every other month/As needed
Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)meeting: Monthly except in July and August
Expected Length of Commitment:
Chairperson is appointed by the Pastor for a specified term of at least three year. Term may be renewed at the discretion of the Pastor
General Qualifications Required of Every Council and Commission Chair and Co-Chair.
Specific Qualifications Required:
- Be a Finance Council member for at least one year.
- Business Management or Accounting experience
- Be a member of the Council for at least one year before serving as Chair.
- Ability to maintain confidentiality.
- Expectations and requirements as defined by Pastor.
Finance Council Member Position Description
Reports to: Parish Finance Council Chairperson.
General Responsibilities of Every Commission & Council Member
Specific Responsibilities of Parish Finance Council Members:
- Attend Parish Finance Council meetings.
- Become familiar with the “Guidelines for Parish Finance Councils.”
- Study prepared financial materials as presented by the Book Keeper and Pastor.
- Have a basic understanding of the workings of the parish financial systems.
- Question financial reports to obtain a full understanding of parish position.
- Ensure that the parish operates within its financial resources.
- Advise and support the Pastor in matters of financial administration.
- Assist Chairperson with special financially related projects.
- Communicate effectively with parishioners when questioned about finances.
Special Activities:
Meetings (when held, frequency, etc.):
- Normally, quarterly or as needed
- Normally, on a mutually agreed upon date and time.
Expected Length of Commitment
- Members are appointed by the Pastor for a specified term between three and six years. Terms may be renewed at the discretion of the Pastor.
General Qualifications Required of Every Council and Commission Member
Specific Qualifications Required:
- Business Management or Accounting background.
- Ability to maintain confidentiality.
- Expectations and requirements as defined by Pastor.