Chairs & Co-Chairs

Chairs & Co-Chairs

Chairs & Co-Chairs

General Responsibilities of Every Council and Commission Chair and Co-Chair:

1. Discerns God’s message in one’s own life regarding stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure.

2. Be familiar with and facilitate the long and short-term goals of the Council or Commission; keep the Council or Commission focused on them and constantly striving towards their fulfillment.

3. Be familiar with the ministries under their Council or Commission.

4. Be familiar with ministry guidelines and General Parish Procedures, especially events scheduling and facility usage.

5. Meetings:

  • Prepares for and coordinates the Commission meetings.
  • Ensures meeting dates are on parish calendar.
  • Sets agenda for meetings
  • Delegates a member to chair the meeting, if not available
  • Ensures that the Commission Secretary takes meeting minutes
  • Ensures that action items are itemized
  • Ensures minutes are approved and made available to all members
  • Follows up on action items from meetings
  • Ensures that Commission or Council members attend meetings

6. Ensures the Council or Commission secretary maintains an updated list of its members, including phone numbers and email addresses.

7. Ensures that ministries under their Council or Commission maintain updated members’ records including phone numbers and email addresses.

8. Maintains accurate records to provide Council or Commission specific inputs and successes for reports to the parish by the Pastor or Stewardship Committee.

9. Requests and reviews yearly, Goals and Objectives for all ministries under the Council or Commission.

10. Encourages the leaders of the ministries under their care to write and submit bulletin articles especially after special events, giving a good account of number of participants, items collected and used, number of volunteers, what was achieved, etc.

11. Sends written thank you note to Council or Commission members at the end of their term.

12. Keeps the leadership (Pastor, Parish Pastoral Council and Stewardship Committee) advised of needs, issues, and positive experiences so they can be incorporated into the planning process.

13. Presents Council or Commission in a positive light at all times.

14. Keeps parish office informed of the activities of the Council or Commission.

15. Liaise with the Webmaster and leaders of the ministries under the Council or Commission to constantly update the Council or Commission’s webpage and those of its ministries, so that visitors will know what’s going on.

16. Ongoing communication with coordinators and ministry chairs: This sends the message to them that they are vital to the success of the ministry. It assures them that the chair is interested in what they are doing. It allows opportunities for the chair to give input that steers the team toward their mission in all the activities.

17. Coordinates budget for all Commission ministries.

18. Gives direction and guidance to the Commission ministries.

19. Maintains communication with Pastor for guidance and direction of the program.

20. Serves as a member of the Parish Pastoral Council

21. Serves as a member and presenter at the Welcome/Orientation/Registration events.

22. Oversees the Commission’s participation in the Commissions/Stewardship Fair.

23. Helps in recruiting new members into the various ministries of the Commission and providing training – delegation is important.

General Qualifications Required of Every Council and Commission Chair and Co-Chair:

  1. Ability to lead
  2. Ability to delegate
  3. Ability to collaborate and work well with team members and others in ministries
  4. Reliable, dependable and responsible – one who goes through with their commitment.
  5. Experience and/or interest in working with the Council or Commission and its ministries
  6. Must be a registered parishioner for at least one year


General Responsibilities of Every Commission & Council Member:

  1. Discerns God’s message in one’s own life regarding stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure.
  2. Be familiar with Commission or Council guidelines and General Parish Procedures
  3. Be familiar with the ministries under their Council or Commission
  4. Helps the Commission or Council to implement its goals and objectives
  5. Help the Commission or Council offer necessary assistance to its ministries and committees
  6. Helps to discern the needs of the Commission or Council they serve
  7. Helps to plan activities and programs that will address such needs
  8. Create a welcoming and happy environment for those they serve.
  9. Helps to research for resources that will benefit those they serve
  10. Presents Commission or Council in a positive light at all times

General Qualifications Required of Every Council and Commission Member:

  • Ability to collaborate and work well with team members and others in ministries
  • Reliable, dependable and responsible – one who goes through with their commitment.
  • Experience and/or interest in working with the Council or Commission and its ministries
  • Must be a registered parishioner for at least one year


Chairpersons & Coordinators

General Responsibilities of Every Ministry and Committee Chairperson and Coordinator:

  1. Is familiar with ministry guidelines and General Parish Procedures, especially facility usage.
  2. Discerns God’s message in one’s own life regarding stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure.
  3. Be familiar with the long and short-term goals of the ministry; keep the ministry focused on them and constantly striving towards their fulfillment.
  4. Reviews yearly, Goals and Objectives of their ministry.
  5. Evaluates the ministry yearly (What worked well? What didn’t work well? What needs to be done differently)
  6. Prepares meeting agendas and schedules
  7. Calls for and Conducts ministry meetings
  8. Ensures minutes are taken by the ministry secretary at all meetings, and that they are approved and made available to all members.
  9. Ensures the ministry secretary maintains an updated list of its members, including phone numbers and email addresses.
  10. Maintains accurate records to provide their ministry’s specific inputs and successes for reports to the parish by the Pastor or Stewardship Committee
  11. Writes and submits a brief report for the bulletin and website after special events, covering number of participants, items collected and used, number of volunteers, what was achieved, etc.
  12. Sends written thank you to ministry members at the end of their term.
  13. Keeps the Commission Chair advised of needs, issues, and positive experiences so they can be incorporated into the planning process.
  14. Presents ministry in a positive light at all times.
  15. Keep parish office informed of the activities of the ministry
  16. Liaise with the Webmaster to constantly update the ministry’s webpage, so that visitors will know what’s going on.
  17. Recruits new ministry members, using bulletin announcements, etc.
  18. Confirms with parish secretary that a new volunteer is a registered member of St. Bart’s.
  19. Responds to inquiries from prospective ministers regarding your ministry promptly.

General Qualifications Required of Every Ministry and Committee Chairperson and Coordinator:

  1. Ability to lead
  2. Ability to delegate
  3. Ability to collaborate and work well with ministry members and others in ministries
  4. Reliable, dependable and responsible – one who goes through with their commitment.
  5. Must be a registered parishioner for at least one year

General Responsibilities of Every Ministry and Committee Member:

  1. Discerns God’s message in one’s own life regarding stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure.
  2. Be familiar with their ministry’s guidelines and General Parish Procedures
  3. Helps the ministry to implement its goals and objectives
  4. Helps to discern the needs of the people they serve
  5. Helps to plan activities and programs that will address such needs
  6. Create a welcoming and happy environment for those they serve.
  7. Helps to research for resources that will benefit those they serve
  8. Presents ministry in a positive light at all times

General Qualifications Required of Every Ministry and Committee Member:

  1. Ability to collaborate and work well with ministry members and others in ministries
  2. Reliable, dependable and responsible – one who goes through with their commitment.
  3. Must be a registered parishioner

"Seek The Lord and His Strength, Seek His Face Continually." - 1 Chronicles 16:11 KJV

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