Our Religious Education program offers instruction to students in elementary, junior high school and high school. It offers an eight year course of study in which all Catholic children attending public school are expected to participate. The Religious Education Program offers an ongoing, continuing formation of the child. Each level in the program adds to the development of the child so our youth can grow in sound Christian attitudes and values.
Religious Education Coordinator Cheryl Duda (914) 476-6676
Email: [email protected]
The parent/guardian has the primary and sacred responsibility to educate their child in the faith. The Religious Education Program exists to assist and support you in this responsibility. The religious education of your child is your active participation in honoring the commitment you made at your child’s Baptism standing before Christ in the tabernacle to raise your child in our faith.
The Eucharist is the center of our faith as Catholics. An integral part of the religious education program is that our students are faithful to the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and holidays It is the role of the parent to bring the child to Mass each Sunday or Saturday evening. We have a Children’s Mass every Sunday except the first Sunday of each month at 10AM. The first Sunday of each month we have a Family Mass with a family breakfast following the Mass.
Special Religious Education
Classes are available to respond to the religious and spiritual needs of those with physical, mental or emotional disabilities. All children regardless of disability have the right to have their faith nourished to the degree that the individual is capable of growing in their faith.
Sacremental Program
A full sacrament preparation program is offered for children enrolled in the Religious Education Program to prepare children for the sacrements of First Penence, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
Family Faith Festivals
Faith festivals are held twice a year that allow families to come and learn their faith together. The festival includes experiential learning activities suited to inter-generation groups. Our first Faith Festival was held in October of 2005 and was attended by over 150 individuals who came together for shared meal, prayer, and fun faith filled activities.
Schedule of Classes
Children’s classes meet from September through June. Classes for adults preparing for reception into the Church or for Confirmation meet year round.
Classes for all ages and levels, including instruction for children with special needs meet on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 PM.
Cheryl Duda
Amanda Albanese
Debra Anderson
Jennifer Batac
Linda Brescia
Loreta Capuano
Ellen Chimenti
Tina Falcone
Mary Ellen Esposito
Patricia Mahoney
Bernadette Novak
Joyce Pietrowski
Barbara Troutman
John Usera
Generina Usera
Jackie Wong
Catechists Handbook Click Here
Early registration is encouraged and registration forms are mailed in May for the following school year. However registrations are accepted year round as we realize that situations may necessitate children starting during the year. Our policy is to accept children as they present themselves. If your child is a new student please bring a copy of his/her Baptismal Certificate when you come to register.
Our religious education program follows the guidelines that are issued by the NY Archdiocese in a recognized curriculum that is in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. A variety of texts, including supplementary materials approved for use in religious education, are used at the various grade levels.
Give us a call
(914) 965-0566Other website
www.saintbartsparish.org/home.htmlThanks for contacting Saint Bartholomew's Church.
If you have questions or comments, or want to know more about what we do, please send a message. We're looking forward to hearing from you.
God bless you.